Just eat fat and grow slim! Really? Hmm… let’s see…
There’s an exciting discovery from a new study. Apparently you can easily trigger weight loss of a pound a week without starving yourself or even using lots of will power. This is done by eating just one tablespoon of a something really nice every day.
The rock-solid science behind this proves it really works. By daily eating this good fat you can grow slim. Let me tell you more:
As you know, olive oil is considered a super food because it can help you prevent heart disease; protect against certain types of cancer; avoid strokes, and even ease inflammation and joint pain.
But in this new study they’ve found that olive oil will also help you lose weight.

One of America’s top-ranked colleges, the prestigious Beloit College in Wisconsin, their Research Department reports that consuming just one tablespoon daily of the right olive oil can help you shed a pound per week. Do you know how much that is? That’s 52 pounds in a year!
On visiting Italy, you see for yourself that most Italians are ever so slim and trim compared with most Americans or Australians, even though most Italians love their pasta, bread, wine, biscotti, and Nutella.
But well you may ask… how can you eat fat and grow slim when it’s a high calorie fat?
Well, new research shows that the right olive oil helps you lose weight in 4 ways:
- 60% Boost of your metabolism. Your liver and gall bladder are stimulated to produce more bile, which breaks down and burns up other fats as well. Researchers have found that women who had olive oil at breakfast boosted their metabolism by 60% more than women who skipped the oil. They recommend for best results, taking a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. Hmm… if you find that a bit off-putting, find something to drizzle it over, whatever you like.
xxx - Three times faster conversion into energy than other fats. Olive oil, a good fat, has converts itself into energy inside your body 3 times faster than other fats. You’ll find that you will burn off your fat intake more quickly and efficiently when you replace other fats (like vegetable oils, margarine and trans-fats) with olive oil.
xxx - Your stored fat is burned up as fuel. Olive oil is rich in a natural compound called oleic acid, and this helps you burn up your stubborn stored fat in two ways. It helps your fat tissues to “close the door” to incoming fat so you stop absorbing so much fat. Next it helps your body’s fat cells secrete your stored fat into the bloodstream so it can be burned off.
xxx - You eat less and are satisfied for longer because your brain signals that you are full. Studies at universities in Germany and Vienna have also shown that olive oil’s unique properties trigger a sense of “satiety” and fullness more than other fats. You don’t have to battle with the munchies all day long because you feel satisfied. You naturally feel content eating less, so losing weight becomes much easier for you.
xxx - Did you know that even inhaling the aroma of the right type of olive oil straight out of the bottle, can help you feel more satisfied and less hungry… that is, not even consuming any at all! This is in another very recent study in the American Journal of Nutrition.
In an article entitled, “The Crazy Way Olive Oil Helps You Lose Weight,” Prevention Magazine concludes:
But you do need to be consuming the right olive oil to receive these weight-loss benefits.
And by “right” I mean independently certified, authentic, 100% pure olive oil, preferably extra virgin, the highest quality.
And these days, that’s almost impossible to find!
Here’s why…
American supermarkets or gourmet stores are buying a substandard “olive oil” which is actually fake. When you consume this you are missing out on all the benefits. Look what these respected media people are telling you… most olive oils in your local supermarket and gourmet store are mislabeled, fraudulent, adulterated, stale, and even rancid.
Doesn’t this make you mad?
Why Is This Happening?
So much is being currently publicised about the benefits of authentic olive oil and the Mediterranean diet, that sales are soaring worldwide. Hey, think about it… just water it down and make more money!
So what are these unscrupulous foreign producers doing? They are substituting the real, with counterfeit oils. This is totally bad!
But how does America regulate these shady foreign operators? They can’t. American supermarkets have now become the dumping grounds for even the famous brands which have been diluted with substandard oils.
Article: List Good Fats vs Bad Fats
What to do?
Do your research and find the very best oils you can, those that have been independently certified to be 100% pure extra virgin and then look after that precious bottle when you bring it home.
Temperature, time, light and oxygen tend to be the four greatest enemies once you have found the best that you can buy.
Never buy olive oil in clear glass as its most probably damaged even before you take it home.
You don’t have to store it the fridge as this would be too cold, just put it in a cool dark cupboard that is nowhere near your stove or cooktop.
Where to buy a good oil?
Honestly, you should buy from somewhere local… maybe where you can even taste before you buy. Adulterated oils often come from Italy. Apparently Australian olive oils are very good. To be fair to you I’m not providing any amazon links for olive oil as so many of them are not what you think they are. As I said above, do your own homework.
Olive oil is one of your joint’s “best friends”. As it’s a powerful anti-inflammatory it prevents pain. Just remember to eat at least one tablespoon of it every day, and for added benefit… eat fat and grow slim!
Warm regards,
Marilyn Williams
Certified Nutrition & Weight Management Consultant
Hi Marwill,
Great article and really interesting!
I love olive oil, in fact I eat it every single day because it’s tasty and it’s very healthy, but as you said in the article it depends which oil we buy! I buy from a local place that I trust.They permit us to stay when they make the oil, it’s nice to watch how they prepare it. They are plenty of olive trees where I leave so it’s easier for me to get quality olive oils.
Of course I am sure there are plenty of quality olive oils all over the world , it just a question of making the right olive oil choice!
Thank you for this great blog
Oh how wonderful to have a place you can go to like that and can even watch them preparing it! You’ve encouraged me to really look around to see if I can find somewhere here like that.
Yes, it’s very much about making the right choice but I think you have to go outside the supermarket shelves to find the best kinds.
Thanks for sharing… great!
Great article, there are actually many good fats that will help aid in weight loss, olive oil being one, avocados have a high concentration of omega 3 fats, peanut butter (preferably organic – simply because there are no additives – if you can get 100% peanut peanut butter then that’s just as good) and fish oil capsules.
Healthy fats especially omega 3 also helps brain function and can help reduce the risk of brain diseases like Alzheimers
Yes you are definitely right and I have posts that collect them all together, well certainly a lot of them. How good it is that we have been provided with so many good things to help us keep nicely shaped bodies. All we need to do is keep away from all the other “junk” and we’re home and hose!
Thanks for your great information… loved it.
Great article. I absolutely love olive oil, as a salad dressing, to drizzle over a nice bread and to cook my veggies in. I had heard that is it good for you, but had no idea it was such a great weight loss food. I buy my olive oil from a lovely little shop. They sell all natural products from their own farm. They have olive trees, sell the olives and make olive oil and olive paste.
Do you think the olive paste would be good too for weight loss? The same sort of benefits?
You seem to have found a wonderful place to purchase your olive oil… lucky you! You are careful not to cook with olive oil aren’t you? It must never be heated. I know they always used to say to cook with it but these days they have learned differently. I love the taste of olive oil added to my salad or veges… yum!
I’ve actually never tried olive paste but it does sound nice. If it’s made out of the olive oil and has not been heated, it should do exactly the same. It’s just a matter of knowing what they’ve done to it. Ask them what they do.
Thanks for leaving your comments and sharing how it is with you… terrific!
Another interesting article Marilyn. I don’t really use much olive oil, I’m a coconut oil girl but might try adding in some good quality olive oil, mix it up, I’m sure it’s gotta be healthier to have a mix of healthy oils. Thanks for the information on how to pick out oils that haven’t been tampered with. I went to Italy back in 1998 and on a tour we did they said they keep the best oils for themselves, can’t blame them for that but would be nice if it was clearer what was being sold at the supermarkets.
With the weight loss thing I’ve read as well that the body burns off the fat you eat but it converts excess calories, usually from excessive sugar and carbs, into fat stores, so it’s not eating fat that creates fat, as is often believed but the excessive consumption of sugar and carbs and it’s usually those that are high in low fat processed foods.
Thank you Claire. I’m really a coconut oil girl too! Love the stuff. But as you say, olive oil has different properties and a mix of both has to be good.
You are quite right in what you shared re the weight loss. Strange isn’t it how hard it is for people to really understand that. I know someone who is desperately trying to lose weight but just doesn’t see it. I see her making incorrect choices all the time. Sad really.
You’ve added great content to this post and I’m really appreciative. Thanks again.
Hi Marilyn,
From your article I learned about the benefit of olive oil, and that olive oil has to be the pure extra-virgin olive oil. And it is so disheartening that majority of what’s available in the market aren’t what they are said to be.
Since you presented the truth that most of the olive oil lying around are either fake, diluted, adulterated or simply counterfeits, why not show us where to buy the right kind? If I can trust what you said in this article, I can ‘try’ to trust what you would call the pure and genuine olive oil.
Trust that I will do my homework. It would help if you give me some options and some ideas, because I believe you know where to get that oil.
Just curious. Was the purchase of the oils in the market ever affected by the news? Was there a decline in sales? Was the public ever aware and paying attention to what was revealed?
I learned a lot from you today. I just hope that many more will find your site and learn and know the truth, so many will have their eyes opened and be able to make informed decisions.
To our health!
Thank you PorfyV for you input, it’s really appreciated.
I would like to show exactly where you can buy the best type of olive oil but I’ve hesitated as I haven’t been able to guarantee the quality. I am looking out for somewhere that provides the “good oil” that i can provide for my online readers but as yet I’m not sure. Thank you for your trust in me and what I write.
I’m sorry, but I’m unable to answer your questions re the public. I don’t really know how they reacted across the board. Sometimes it’s hard because, particularly in the health industry, for every one that’s “for” there is another one who is “against”. You really have to delve deeply and find people you can trust with their information before making too many comments. I always try to look and see who is behind the professional sharing the information.
Yes, it’s my hope that more and more people will learn, but you know what, from what I saw yesterday with some friends I was with, many don’t want to know. Even if something is bad for them, and they know it because they have a bad reaction, they still want it and have no intention of changing. I guess I’m looking for those who are willing to make some simple changes towards better health.
Hi Marilyn,
You are very much aware of where we stand, all of us who promote health and wellness, or whatever things regarding safety and wellness. Many won’t listen no matter how well-meaning you are.
And it will really test your patience and persistence, when the response or comment that you get is that you are after people’s money the moment you mention and introduce a product. Sometimes the very first to do this are those close to you.
Take it from me. Just move on. Never give up. One who responds out of a hundred you approached, you’ve won, because you’ve made a difference in that one person’s life. You’ve succeeded, because it usually doesn’t end there.
I’ll end here, but we all continue with our journey and endeavour of promoting health and wellness.
To everyone’s health!
Unfortunately you are so right. 🙁 Ha-ha… often it’s the ones closest to you that take the least notice. They think… what would she know? I grew up with her! Yes, I realise how it is and it makes me sad. Some of my closest will relate healthy type issues back to me that they’ve learned else where as if it was reported by God Himself.
I appreciate you though, and together we keep going, sharing what we have learned and experienced… and as you say… hopefully some of it rubs off on the people who need to know this stuff.
Thanks so much for giving me your thoughts.
I want to say I appreciate your posts so much… I learn so much! I love the idea that something as simple (and unusual) as olive oil can help me to lose a little weight. Thank you so much. One day I’ll come back and share how I went.
Hey Maddy, that’s good to know. Yes please do come back and share… that’s the type of thing we all want to hear. Thanks so much.
Hello! This is my first time visiting your website. Good information about olive oil. Taking one spoonful a day for weight loss sounds like an easy thing to do. I guess the hard part is finding the correct olive oil and where to buy it. I have a large bottle of olive oil in my pantry but after reading your post I am afraid I might not have the quality of olive oil that is necessary. It is worth looking into. Thanks for the information!
You are welcome Melanie. I wish I could direct you straight to a great source but at this stage I don’t have that type of information. Anyway, at least you know now what to look for, which is the most important thing.
I hope you enjoyed my website and will come back… there’s much more to come! 🙂
WOW! What a bummer and disappointment. I do all the cooking and have been using olive oil for years usually buying extra virgin priced in the middle of the pack. I can’t understand why these oils are not labeled with other oils that may be included. What’s the point of labeling? It especially blew my mind about cooking with it. I will never believe anything Rachel Ray says again! I was so impressed with this article I subscribed to your newletter.
Well I’m sorry that it’s caused you some pain when you found out what’s been happening with the oils… really I am! But we do need to make these things known as they are fooling us over and over again. I agree with you that there appears to be no point in food labeling if they are not going to say what’s actually in something. How much else is going on that we have no idea of?
Hope to hear more from you Jerry as we go along as there is much to learn. 🙂
This is a good article about good fat -bad fat and olive oil.
It is so sad when you think you are doing good by eating the right oils for your health, only to find out you have been ripped off.
I come from Australia and you are correct about the quality of our olive oil. It is the real deal. But we can buy imported olive oil that is way cheaper. Now I know why.!
I just presumed that Italian olive oil is good.
Sorry to burst your bubble Janelle! I guess it’s the same whatever we purchase… we get what we pay for. Olive Oil is just one of the groceries I don’t cut costs on, and now you know why. Coconut Oil is another. If it’s cheap it’s because they have cut costs somewhere which usually means something bad for the consumer. Not them!
I’m happy you are trying to do the right thing anyway, and as it is with all of us, we learn as we go. I’ve made many a mistake as you have described, but once I learn, then I change. There’s something within all of us that hate to think the manufacturers are ripping us off by charging more, but then we find it’s the other way around… they are ripping us off by charging less. Amazing but true.
Thanks for sharing Janelle… great to hear from you.
wow, this is so interesting! I love Olive oil and I have been doing it all wrong all this time. I had no idea that the ones you buy in supermarkets were so much less beneficial. And losing a poun d a week by buying the right one! Can this be true! And do you have to use it in a certain way? Can you still use it in cooking?
Hi Ruth… I’m so glad you found my article interesting! I never use olive oil in cooking, only over salads etc in dressings. It doesn’t like to be heated past a certain point and how would you ever know what that point is. My oil of choice for cooking is definitely coconut oil.
I don’t think if you were eating a lot of wrong things that the olive oil would help all that much to lose weight… it just needs to be part of a whole. It is very important to buy the right olive oil though… be very careful.
wow, this is so interesting! I love Olive oil and I have been doing it all wrong all this time. I had no idea that the ones you buy in supermarkets were so much less beneficial. And losing a poun d a week by buying the right one! Can this be true! And do you have to use it in a certain way? Can you still use it in cooking?
Hi Ruth… I’m so glad you found my article interesting! I never use olive oil in cooking, only over salads etc in dressings. It doesn’t like to be heated past a certain point and how would you ever know what that point is. My oil of choice for cooking is definitely coconut oil.
I don’t think if you were eating a lot of wrong things that the olive oil would help all that much to lose weight… it just needs to be part of a whole. It is very important to buy the right olive oil though… be very careful.
Hi Marilyn,
I’m so sad, the thought that all that olive oil I have been using for years could be fake?
I have never heard about this before. I was just assuming that that bottle of extra virgin olive oil was indeed extra virgin olive oil.
I will for sure be doing some homework to try to get to the bottom of this.
Thank you for this information.
Hi Randy… I’m so sorry to be so long in answering this comment. I’ve been away from my computer through circumstances beyond my control. I’m back now though!
Yes, I find it more than sad … it’s downright dishonest. By all means, please do do your research. I think that’s what all of us should do when faced with something new and compelling. Please let me know how you go.
Hi Marilyn,
I’m so sad, the thought that all that olive oil I have been using for years could be fake?
I have never heard about this before. I was just assuming that that bottle of extra virgin olive oil was indeed extra virgin olive oil.
I will for sure be doing some homework to try to get to the bottom of this.
Thank you for this information.
Hi Randy… I’m so sorry to be so long in answering this comment. I’ve been away from my computer through circumstances beyond my control. I’m back now though!
Yes, I find it more than sad … it’s downright dishonest. By all means, please do do your research. I think that’s what all of us should do when faced with something new and compelling. Please let me know how you go.
I had no idea that potentially the oil I try to consume every day could be no more than adulterated junk! I’m not happy! Sometimes I wonder if there is anything left in this world we can trust. It really upsets me. Now I will have to dig deep to see if I can find a good oil somewhere. Although I’m not happy, I appreciate you share this. Thanks a lot.
Oh dear, I didn’t mean to upset you, but it seems you are upset for all the right reasons. I’m not sure what we can or cannot trust Tress as there is certainly a lot of underhandedness going on. But I do believe that truth will always prevail. When you find the right kind of oil you will be happy that there was a time you became so upset. 🙂
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Hey Marilyn,
I never really knew that many supermarkets are “cheating us” on some of their olive oil products. I always used to buy them without doing any research. This has truly opened my eyes. As you probably hinted at, its about getting the right types of fats and not avoiding them altogether. Thanks for your post! Off to take a spoon of olive oil… 🙂
Hi Omar… you are quite right… whatever you do, don’t cut out fats… haha, otherwise you may get fat! Yes, as I was stating, it’s important for us to make wise choices and choose good olive oils and then you know you really are looking after your body.
I really appreciate you taking the time to leave your comment.
Warm regards, Marilyn